Spotted Online – Glyos and Callgrim Updates

New updates are flying over at the Glyos Transmission Web Log and Callgrim blog. Both groups are getting ready to launch new toys, and based on the designs we’re seeing we’ll soon be getting a wave of new Callgrim, Order, and figures blurring the lines between the two independent companies.

Click to visit the Glyos Transmission Web Log.

First up is General Phanost, a new figure combining several parts into a powerful, combat-ready design. Check out the arm cannon on that monster!

Click to visit the Callgrim blog!

Next we get the Fiveoh Domes, a squad of customs that show off the upcoming Callgrim and Order action figure colors. I love the clear red bits used as cop lights.

No solid word on what’s dropping when, but as soon as I can squeeze out a date and time I’ll be sure to let everyone know.

1 thought on “Spotted Online – Glyos and Callgrim Updates

  1. Do you know if the General is going to be a character we can purchase, or is he going to be a part of a Custom Corps. wave? I have not purchased any glyos for almost a year now just to save money (although the GiD gobon has been calling to me), but I would really like that general.

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