So Ironhide Isn’t Dead?

So way back in November I commented on IDW killing Ironhide (post here) and unsurprisingly here we are talking about a new Ironhide comic. Hey, comic industry! Nobody cares if you kill a character because we all know death is a minor inconvenience in comics and not an end.

So Ironhide isn’t exactly dead. And the summary of issue #2 of Ironhide — damnit, IDW, just make one Transformers series that goes from #1 and adds one issue each month! — doesn’t make me all that excited about how they’re handling Ironhide’s death.

Click to visit Seibertron!

“Stranded on modern-day Cybertron, Ironhide discovers he’s the only functioning life-form on the planet. Oh, except for the Swarm. So things could be going better. Much better. It’s times like these that Ironhide would much rather be rusting in a scrap pile. Writer Mike Costa continues to put the fallen (now resurrected?) Autobot through some strange paces, with stunning art by Casey Coller.”

Ugh. You know, IDW has some awesome artwork but I wish they would number their comics in a way that makes some sense. After the failed Transformers Continuum last year (reading post here) nothing IDW does with this series should surprise me, and yet somehow they keep amazing me. And not in good ways.

Oh well. If you wanna see sample pages from Ironhide #2 hit this page at Seibertron. You know what, the tiny historical story with Ironhide and Dragstrip looks fun. Why couldn’t IDW have just given us a story set in that time?

Click to visit Seibertron!

2 thoughts on “So Ironhide Isn’t Dead?

  1. IDW lost me a while back… they make some good stuff, but they’re all over the place and don’t make it easy for collectors at all. I have the first 4 TPB’s (Origins Vol.1, Stormbringer, Infiltration, Escalation) and the Hearts of Steel miniseries(which they botched by cutting it short and forcing Chuck Dixon to wrap up the series an issue earlier than was planned), but thankfully I came into the game late and avoided getting too wound up in things before they did the whole revamp. It’s like the GIJoe stuff… they keep starting and restarting over and over and it leaves fans confused and scrambling for a place to stand. It’s frustrating, to say the least.

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