Review – “Skeletor” Snot Beast

Designer/Resin * Year: 2010

NOTE: This extremely short review is intended mainly to show photos of the toy. For a closer look at the basic sculpt and design please see my previous Snot Beasts review.

oOMoSOo’s (blog, Flickr, Etsy) Snot Beast resin toy is a cute, solid work of art and as soon as he announced a “Skeletor” version of the toy I knew that I wanted it. Fortunately, I mentioned the desire and oOMoSOo was kind enough to reserve the toy for me. And the color scheme paired with the toy’s sculpt works quite well.

Click to expand the image in a new window.
Click to expand the image in a new window.

Click to expand the image in a new window.
Click to expand the image in a new window.

It’s a simple concept, and the colors aren’t an exact match for the Masters of the Universe villain, but everything comes together fairly well. It’s not such an obvious combination that people immediately get it (unlike the Dokurocks “Skulletor” I recently reviewed), but as soon as you mention Skeletor when someone’s looking at this Snot Beast they can see the connection.

Click to expand the image in a new window.
Click to expand the image in a new window.

Click to expand the image in a new window.
Click to expand the image in a new window.

oOMoSOo has said that this was the last round of Snot Beast toys but I hope I misunderstood what he meant. It would be a shame if he didn’t produce at least a dozen more of these monsters so that others could get a chance to score one. If anyone out there would like to buy one of these resin toys I say post here in the comments. Maybe working together we can convince him to create another batch.

Closing Thoughts

I don’t have much to say about this toy that I didn’t already say in the previous review. I’m jealous of the work, because no matter how hard I try I cannot keep myself limited to such a tiny size. And that bugs me, since I can see the fun in tiny toys and would love to create one of my own at this size.

The Snot Beast is a neat design, and giving one the Skeletor colors was something I hadn’t even thought of until the photos went online.

A simple, but fun toy.

Philip Reed is working on an original sculpt for a mini-resin toy of his own, but like everything he does it seems to keep growing.

6 thoughts on “Review – “Skeletor” Snot Beast

  1. Fantastic! I love all of oOMoSOo’s stuff… especially the Skeletor… that was the one I wanted, you lucky so and so!!!

    BTW: I found it to be instantly recognizable as a Skeletor homage, and that’s perfectly cool with me!

  2. Well if people want more i suppose i can do some more, just didn’t want to seem like a xerox, however with doing more i intend on a surprise to go with a new wave..

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