Operation Initiated! Operation Wolf Finds a Home

Tomorrow’s my birthday, and this year I scored an Operation Wolf arcade machine for the game room as my gift. This is one massive, heavy system and right now it’s sitting in our garage waiting for a good cleaning and then it will be moved to the game room. I need to dig around online and try to find some instructions for calibrating the gun — one corner of the screen doesn’t seem to be registering — but the machine runs great. I flipped it on this morning and mowed down some baddies from the eighties.

Click to visit Wikipedia!

Some day soon the game room will be completed (still picking up toys and games), but as soon as it’s finished we’ll have to host a game day party here at the house. Between the walls of board and card games, the other arcade machine, and now this Operation Wolf machine we’re ready for a ton of fun. I think it has been a year now since Gina and I last held a game party here at the house.

2 thoughts on “Operation Initiated! Operation Wolf Finds a Home

  1. OMG! Awesome! Nice find! In my attempts at finding some game machines I have never seen an operation wolf game. I am dead set on getting an original Mortal Kombat machine.

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