Spotted Online – Secret Base Micro Infection

Okay, I’ve only looked at a couple of Secret Base toys here at battlegrip.comSkull Brain review here and Honey Bee review here — but that doesn’t stop me from noticing cool toys like these Micro Infection Monsters shown over at Kaiju Chronicle.

Click to visit Kaiju Chronicle!

So what are the tricks to ordering from Japanese websites? Is there some translation tool I should be using so that I understand what I’m doing. Help! Anyone?

2 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Secret Base Micro Infection

  1. I’ve ordered from secretbase a few times. I usually email them telling them what I want and where I want it shipped. If it’s something they ship to America they will usually send me back an email with a total amount that you can paypal to them. Just make the email short and to the point and clear as to what you want, how many and where you want it to go. I email them at info at

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