Seacons Up for Pre-Order at BBTS

Have you ever wanted your own pack of original colors Decepticon Seacons so that you can drive everyone insane with some of the weirdest Transformers toys of the eighties? Well you’re in luck, because BBTS has an exclusive re-issue of these classic toys. And they’re taking pre-orders right now.

Click to visit Big Bad Toy Store!

These beasties are so nasty that two of them made it onto my Ten Most Terrifying Transformers of Generation One list that I posted last year. From the insane designs to the unusual colors there’s nothing but pure awesome hiding inside the Seacons.

BBTS is offering an air-shipped version of the toy (available here) as well as a slower-shipped version (available here). So if you’re impatient and want your Seacons in late July then you can spend an extra $15 for the faster delivery.

So how many packs does someone have to buy in order to get an exclusive re-issue? Thousands I would assume, but it’s gotta make the other stores super jealous.

2 thoughts on “Seacons Up for Pre-Order at BBTS

  1. I had the main guy, but I’m not sure that I can justify $60 plus shipping for this dude, not with MP Grimlock, SDCC Blaster, MOTUC Adam/Orko, and Mo-Larr & Toofless Skeletor looming…

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