This Fett Clock is Not My Fault

I’m not sure who you should blame for this ridiculous Boba Fett Lamp Clock and MP3 Dock*, but it sure as hell isn’t me. I mean, I’ve had some stupid Star Wars ideas in my time (nothing as stupid as Lucas, though), but even I have never imagined something as goofy as this monstrosity. I have to admit that the Fett head/lamp shade is kinda cute.

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“Wake up to this Star Wars Lamp Clock and MP3 Dock. It combines the best of everything! The Boba Fett Lamp Clock features the famous bounty hunter in an extra-large, urban-style, Nodnik body type with an LED digital clock on his chest. And this alarm clock / lamp combination also serves as a fully functioning speaker output for your MP3 player. Simply plug in to the Boba Fett Lamp Clock to hear your music play!”

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