Review – Transformers Frenzy and Ravage Bust

Line: Transformers * Manufacturer: Diamond Select Toys * Year: 2008
When I ordered the Transformers Elita-One bust (review here) I also snagged myself this Frenzy & Ravage Mini-Bust* for just $15. And I’m glad that I did, because it makes a great addition to the Transformers Sound Blaster bust (review here) and is really making me want more of the busts in this series.

The shortest bust I’ve picked up in the series, Frenzy and Ravage stand almost five-inches tall (the tip of Frenzy’s laser rifle). And even though it’s shorter than the other busts in the series it’s no less detailed or awesome. The sculpting, paint, and execution are as good (better, even) on this as on the previous two Transformers busts that I’ve already reviewed. Damn, picking these busts up at cheap prices is going to eventually lead me down the path of grabbing one at full price; trust me, guys, these are good-to-great works of art. Transformers fans who don’t want to start collecting statues should stop reading right now.

Frenzy is Red?
Obviously, the guys at Diamond Select were targeting fans of the Transformers cartoon* because they went with the red and black coloring, which is how the character appeared in the cartoon even though the toy was blue. I don’t think I have a horse in the red vs. blue Frenzy/Rumble debate; I’m just happy that the statue’s sculpt and paint look fantastic.

Just behind Frenzy we get a cartoon-style Ravage sculpt, and it’s every damned bit as good as Frenzy. Take a look at the close-up, below, and look at how tight the paintwork is on the inside of Ravage’s open mouth. That couldn’t have been easy, and I’ve gotta say that even though I won’t spend much time looking in this robotic kitty’s mouth I do appreciate the effort that went into painting it. I was a bit skeptical about the bust before getting it, but after opening the box and holding the statue I can see why any Transformers fans out there who bought this work immediately went out and bought another bust in the series.

Would I Be as Excited if I Had Paid Full Retail?
Originally priced at $50 at Big Bad Toy Store, I think that if I had paid the $50 I’d be a lot more critical of the work than I am. $50 for a 5-inch statue is kinda high, but this really is a nice piece of work. And the more I look at this piece the more I think about other busts in the series, especially this Ramjet, Thrust, and Dirge “Seeker” three-pack. Sure they’re basically all the same, but that set would look great with the other Transformers busts in the living room.

So the Seeker Busts Are Ordered?
No, they’re not. And that makes me think that as much as I’m loving the Transformers busts that I’ve picked up I haven’t been so excited about one that I’m ready to drop over $20/each for the statues in the series. I can’t explain why, but at $79 for the set I just don’t find myself pulling the trigger and placing an order. I think I would if the set was priced at $60, but for some reason or other my mental ceiling on the statues in this series is $20. That’s kinda dumb, considering the short runs and the quality of the pieces I already own, but it’s locked into my brain.

You’re Not Making Any Sense
I know, and I’m sorry. It seems horribly unfair of me to drop $30 on a resin toy that’s got less detail than any one of these statues but refuse to spend more than $20 on a statue, but it’s where I’m at at the moment with this series. I think the $20 price ceiling is a defense mechanism; whenever I find a bust in this series for $20 or less that’s an amazing find and one I’ll act on immediately. Raising my limit to $30 would be a pretty big jump, and doing that would have me grabbing more statues at less of a discount. I think my brain is just trying to protect my wallet.

Closing Thoughts
Diamond Select Toys is making Transformers fans very happy with these Generation One busts, and I cannot argue that a lot of time and love has gone into the sculpting of each statue. The four busts I’ve got look great together, but some mental block is stopping me from diving into this line in a big way.
If you’re a Transformers fan who likes the look of this Frenzy and Ravage bust I say grab it now before it’s gone*, but just know that snatching this up on clearance may lead you to spend $50 to $70 on another bust in the series. If that happens don’t say that I didn’t warn you.
Philip Reed has one more bust in this series that he’ll review. He will probably buy a few more, and he wouldn’t complain at all if anyone wanted to ship him a bust or two for Christmas. Wait, that came out wrong . . .