Review – Toygraph/Super7 Ghostrooper
Here’s another Toygraph Space Trooper, this time a blue/clear Ghostrooper with tinsel stuffed inside the body. The packaging identifies this as a Toygraph/Super7 joint, but basically it’s the same toy as the Ghost Trooper we looked at last week (review here). So this review’s gonna be mostly photos (see below); everything I said about the sculpt and articulation of the Ghost Trooper applies to this Ghostrooper.
Oh yeah, and I don’t know what to say about the name. I’ve seen it written both ways. For this toy I went with Ghostrooper since the package is written that way.
Enjoy the photos, guys! If you’ve got any questions about this toy post a comment.
Philip Reed has more Space Troopers headed his way, including a Flying Saucer. These are fantastic toys; I love the 50s/60s feel. Phil knows he’s not alone in loving these, and it’s too bad he got to the party late because word is the line is ending (or maybe even over). Anyone got info on this?
Tinsel inside? That’s clever.
They should do one with slime inside.
@Newt – Slime would look great. The problem with the tinsel is that the toy is really not moisture-friendly. It looks great, though. The pics here really don’t do it justice.