Zombies: A Hunter’s Guide Video Flip Through

Do you remember the Zombies: A Hunter’s Guide book I mentioned last month? (Mentioned here). Well, the book arrived from Osprey (thanks for the book, guys!) and it’s now my task to get a “Reading” post online just as soon as I finish reading the book.

Until then, though, I’ve posted a short video flip through at YouTube. It’s my first attempt at video so it’s not great, but I hope it gives you an idea of what the interior of the book looks like.

2 thoughts on “Zombies: A Hunter’s Guide Video Flip Through

  1. Cool beans. There’s like a screech noise in the video about halfway through. It’s almost 4 in the morning and I didn’t realize how loud my volume was up. About scared the crap out of me. I thought the zombies were on the attack!

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