Exploring Articulated Discussion
TAO, madman behind Articulated Discussion, is dealing with life so updates at the site have been slower than usual. Well, this just gives me a chance to dig into the site’s past. And if I’m gonna read some old stuff then I may as well share it with you guys. Right?
- Accessorize! – Energy Effects – A selection of action figure accessories centered around energy blasts and effects, this post has some fun pics but I’ve gotta argue with the overall premise that “One of the neatest accessories a figure can include is some kind of an Energy Effect.” Nah. In my opinion, these are nowhere near one of the neatest types of accessories. Still, seeing a wide variety of effects at once is kinda fun.
- Why’s that Hairy Guy Looking at Me? – Here we get a woman’s thoughts about a geek convention, and it’s an enjoyable read.
- The Articulated Accolades – Day 5 – At the start of this year, TAO and others at the site handed out their own awards for 2010. This is a great chance to get a look at several toys from 2009.
- Playing Dress Up – GI Joe – Here’s a Halloween post from 2009 and sure it links back here, but it’s still a fun read if you’re a G.I. Joe fan and need a laugh.
- An Interview with Robert Burden – And here we wrap up this short peek at Articulated Discussion with a post I’ve linked to before. Why? Because it’s awesome artwork of toys. Seriously, this is a fun post.
And there we’ve got it, a look at five different posts at Articulated Discussion from the past year. Hopefully TAO will get back to a normal life and the site soon, but for now we can enjoy the hundreds of posts that are already up at the site.
Have fun reading, guys!