Review – Splurrt’s The Keeper Resin Toy

Designer/Resin * Year: 2010

Ever since I spotted photos of The Keeper resin toy (first mentioned here) I’ve wanted to get my hands on one of these toys. Well, last month I got lucky when I spotted two of them up for sale; so I snagged them both. And I’m glad that I did, because as cool as one is it’s having a pair of them that makes things even more fun.

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Click to expand the photo in a new window.

Created by Splurrt (blog, Flickr), this resin toy is almost 4.5-inches tall and was sold at $40; an average price for a piece of this size. It wasn’t a spectacular deal, but $40 is certainly a fair price for a resin toy of this size and complexity. The paint isn’t overly complex or detailed but it’s attractive. But rather than discuss value let’s take a close look at the actual toy.

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Click to expand the photo in a new window.

Three Resin Parts

The Keeper is made up of a central resin body and two separate resin hands. The hands have posts that slot into holes in the arms; it’s simple but works just fine. And it gives you the only articulation — twisty wrists — on the toy. And for the most part the resin is clean and smooth, with very few seam lines.

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Click to expand the photo in a new window.

But what I find most impressive about the toy has to be the hands. These are detailed, complicated pieces and I’d love a peek at the mold use to make the hands. Casting hands this clean and crisp had to be a challenge. Such tiny details and long, skinny fingers.

Click to expand the photo in a new window.
Click to expand the photo in a new window.

A Creepy Creature

A hooded, faceless beast, the Keeper is a ghost-like entity that has little more than a rope keeping his shadowy form held together. Sure the hands look like it’s a corporeal being, but I strongly suspect that if we took the robes away the Keeper would vanish as a puff of smoke. But we may never know what he really is, because he’s a chunk of resin and we can’t see what’s inside.

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Click to expand the photo in a new window.

A Great Resin Toy

I love the colors of these two Keepers, and the sculpt is excellent. Overall this isn’t the best resin toy in my collection, but it’s an impressive work and looks great. Those hands just astound me, and I cannot even imagine what I would have done to try and cast these hands. But then I don’t have much experience with resin toys so there’s a good chance any masters reading this are snickering at me. Well, I’m impressed.

Click to expand the photo in a new window.
Click to expand the photo in a new window.

Closing Thoughts

Recommended to any resin toy fans in the audience, the Keeper will hopefully reappear at Splurrt Beheadlines so that everyone gets another crack at buying one. I’m actually a bit tired this evening so I’ll shut up now and let you guys enjoy a few more photos of the toys.

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Click to expand the photo in a new window.

Click to expand the photo in a new window.
Click to expand the photo in a new window.

Click to expand the photo in a new window.
Click to expand the photo in a new window.

Philip Reed needs to rearrange the toys in the living room. These two Keepers need to find a home with more resin toys.

2 thoughts on “Review – Splurrt’s The Keeper Resin Toy

  1. Monstrehero is famous for a good quality on their resin toys, so i’m not astounded that they haven’t gave that up on Splurts’ toys as well! Two thumbs up for Cliff & Sean!

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