Still at BGGCon

I’m still in Dallas and still working and playing games . . . which means that the site updates are slower than I would like. Below are a few more photos from the show. What are they?

A shot of the Geek Chic (website, Twitter) gaming coffee table I’m trying to convince the guys at Geek Chic to sell me. Fingers crossed that they’ll let this demo table go so I can take it home. If I can get it then I’ll be talking to Gina about a complete redesign of our living room; I don’t think she’ll mind.

A picture from our booth right before the drawing to win a 20-inch tall Chibithulhu. Fans of plush Cthulhu toys always drool on this monstrosity and we’re giving one away each day of the show.

A shot of the Pony Express game. Those are the indians you have to knock over by shooting dice across the board. It’s not a great game, but it was fun and silly.

That’s it from the show for now because it’s time I get back to work. I hope you guys are enjoying these game-related updates from the convention. For more of my words from the show see the Steve Jackson Games Daily Illuminator.