Transformers 3 Teaser Tells Us Nothing

I’ve not made it a secret that I’m unhappy with Bay’s Transformers efforts. The first film had so many problems I haven’t even seen the second, and now this teaser for the third film leaves me asking “Why?” Why, Hasbro, does this keep happening to us? The teaser shows the 1969 moon landing and a giant spacecraft, and a Transformer sitting waking up. There’s nothing here to get me excited, and nothing that makes me think Bay’s inadequate attempts at storytelling and humor have been abandoned. I admit these films make a lot of money, but I cannot understand why.

3 thoughts on “Transformers 3 Teaser Tells Us Nothing

  1. @Seth L – Getting past the bad storytelling and lame humor attempts what really bothers me is that it’s so hard to tell characters apart. They’re all blurry masses of metal that look kinda similar to each other.

    Does anyone know what was wrong with the classic character designs?

  2. Phil – Never see the second movie Phil, NEVER. If you disliked the first one, you would likely be bleeding from your eyes after the second. I know I was hemorrhaging pretty badly.

    Orders of magnitude worse on all counts. Heck, ugly, messy, indistinguishable, gray bots were the least of that movies problems.

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