Spotted Online – Chaos Stereo Vinyl Toy
I’m not one to write like I’m 14 and txting my BFF, but let me open this up with a simple: OMG! Just look at this awesome collaboration between Nerd One and Real X Head. A Steregon (review here) with two Mini Chaos heads (see this review for a look at the head) and the combination looks better than I would have expected if you had just described the idea to me. See more at Kaiju Korner.
Damn, that’s a lot of links in the first paragraph. You’d think I’m only able to write in hyperlinks or something. Anyway, all that matters is how cool this toy looks and how sad it is that I can’t have one. And seeing this makes me think that when Mark Nagata was showing me his toy collection a few days ago (photos here) I should have found a way to slip a Steregon or three out with me; he doesn’t need as many as he has, right?
I wonder what other Steregon collabs are cooking right now. And I have to wonder if it’s even worth looking at stuff like this because I know these exclusive and very special runs never come to my attention until after they’re out there; which is probably a good thing because I shouldn’t go to a loan shark for cash to buy kaiju toys.
I feel your pain, dude. That Steregon was the coolest thing I saw all month, and the best I could do was save the image and file it under “Grails”.
@Jamison – Maybe if enough of us make noise there will be a wider release of this Steregon/Chaos mash-up.