Angry, Offensive Comments Are Unnecessary

It seems as if I’ve upset a number of people with my Fansproject Protector Armor review. I have marked a few comments as spam because of offensive language and insults, and I’ve seen a few angry e-mails come through, and while I appreciate any comments — regardless of whether or not I agree with the commenter — I will not approve comments that go out of their way to be juvenile and offensive.

Please, guys, if you disagree with me then post a comment that states your own thoughts and opinions without trying to be offensive and insulting. I’ll happily approve comments with conflicting viewpoints, but I will not approve comments that are inappropriate or concentrate on single lines that try to insult me and the site.

5 thoughts on “Angry, Offensive Comments Are Unnecessary

  1. I just read your review and personally don’t see anything wrong with what you’ve said.

    What people have to remember is that YOU paid YOUR money for the toy in question and so if it has problems, you’ll not only see them but feel the disappointment on a personal level much more than somebody who’s simply given a toy for a review and told to write five-hundred words on it before lunch. I’d much rather read a passionate, honest ”fan” review (if you’ll excuse me using what sounds like a derogatory label – it’s not) than a ”professional” review somebody’s writing simply because they’ve been told to.

    Your review was informative and – as far as I can tell – doesn’t contain misinformation or falsehoods. If people don’t agree with your views, at least others can use the clinical, factual aspects and ”genuine” criticisms in the review as a basis for their decision.

    At the end of the day, a review is simply an opinion formed over the course of examining the item in question. And that’s exactly what this review is. Nowhere do you resort to name-calling, unfair criticism or any other tactic that could warrant the outrage you’ve garnered. If people are upset, let them do as Doctor Kent did in his response – present a counter-review or second-opinion.

  2. This is the Internet! Anger is our right and privilege! (sarcasm)
    I’m honestly not surprised. I’m more curious why people would make the attacks insulting. But again, not surprised.

  3. @Iok – Thanks for the long, detailed response. I certainly didn’t try to be insulting in the review and it was a bit sad to see some of the responses, including one that was simply:

    “Moderate my rooster.” Though rooster wasn’t quite the word that was used.

  4. @Doctor Kent – I guess I was only surprised because even when I’ve posted some long complaints about 3A toys the comments in defense of 3A were not insulting. I never thought that unofficial Transformers toys had a following of people who would be so immature and go out of their way to post some of the nonsense I marked as spam.

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