Megatron Can Blast Prime Into Spare Parts!

Transformers Generation Two wasn’t the finest hour for the Transformers line. A mix of older toys (often times in unusual colors) and some new designs, not to mention a cartoon that was older episodes with computer cut sequences added, there are days when Generation Two feels like it was Hasbro’s attempt at making money without putting any real effort into the line.

And then there are days when you remember just how huge and cool this Megatron tank turned out. A great rebuild of Megatron and seeing this toy commercial shows just how much larger this toy was than the older Optimus Prime mold. Looks like Megatron was all set to dominate . . . if only the toy commercial’s writer would have let him win.

1 thought on “Megatron Can Blast Prime Into Spare Parts!

  1. G2 was my Transformers heyday. before that I only had pretenders and micromasters and stuff. I always coveted G2 megatron but never had him… I did get the smaller purple ‘combat hero’ version in high school (2001 or so) that had a ‘MEGATRON RULES’ sticker on his chest though

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