Arbito’s Seeker Tanks Drop Tomorrow

Arbito (website, Twitter) is launching these awesome tanks tomorrow at his online shop. Gorgeous! $150, but man do they look cool. I can’t afford one, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t want one. Seriously, that purple skull version is my favorite of the batch but they all look neat.

Click to visit Arbito!

This Fri­day Jan. 21st at 12 Noon Pacific there will be some new items avail­able in my web shop at http://​shop​.arbito​.com. You may remem­ber the Seeker Tanks I launched at last years San Diego comi­con. These bug­gers are bit of work to make and I finally got around to mak­ing a few. Each tank has rolling rub­bery tires, and twin eye­ball can­nons and in the driver’s seat is a cus­tom Seeker mini. All tanks are 1/​1 edi­tions. More info soon.

Click to visit Arbito!
Click to visit Arbito!