Time for Vacation!

A 26 segment × 3 exposure (78 frames in total)...
Image via Wikipedia

Gina and I are packed and ready to head off to Hong Kong early tomorrow morning. We’ll be traveling for over 24 hours from house to hotel, which means we’ll be collapsing in our hotel room some time Tuesday morning . . . which will be Tuesday evening in Hong Kong. I’ll be posting photos from the city while we have fun and I am definitely hitting some more toy shops like I did last year.

Long-time readers will remember how much fun I had in Hong Kong last year, but if you weren’t following battlegrip.com the last time I was in the city you can catch up with some of these old posts:

And if that’s not enough from last year’s Hong Kong trip you can always read through my posts on the Steve Jackson Games website; last year’s Hong Kong trip was a work trip so I posted updates at our site a few times.

As you can see (as if you didn’t know already), I like to chatter on a lot about nothing of importance. And I’m sure I’ll be doing more of that while I’m in Hong Kong. Regardless of my tendency to chatter, though, I hope you guys will at least enjoy the new photos.

And don’t worry, the site will continue with other updates. There are even two more reviews popping up over the next week while I’m on vacation.

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4 thoughts on “Time for Vacation!

  1. Sorry about the uncomfortable flight – I’ve flown trans-Atlantic many times and that can be a bind, so I can’t even begin to imagine what the flight to HK must be like.

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