More Toy Store Photos Up

I know I’m not getting these posted fast enough, but I hope you guys are enjoying the toy store pics. Hong Kong toy shopping is almost an art, since a lot of the deals are in shadowed locations and it sometimes takes some digging to uncover the real gems; for example, yesterday Gina and I found a set of three sealed Transformers Micromasters blister cards for $180 HK dollars (about $25/US). These are foreign language blisters, but 12 tiny Transformers from 1989 for $25 isn’t a bad deal.

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Today we’re going for more touristy fun, probably going out to Lantau Island (Wikipedia). We have today and tomorrow left in the city and then we fly home on Monday, so it’s time to cram a hell of a lot of fun into two days. I really want to get to Macau (,but that just may not happen.

Time to get ready to head out into the city. More later, guys!

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