Spotted Online – New Outer Space Men Production Pics

The Four Horsemen are moving ahead with their Glyos (Onell Design) product line, and now there are completely new characters in the works. This post at ActionFigurePics has photos and info, but basically all you need to know is that new characters are coming.

Click to visit ActionFigurePics!

With any luck we’ll see the Horsemen get into the Onell Design practice of releasing blank white, black, and gray figures. Why? Because getting all of these Outer Space Men figures in the simple colors would be a fantastic addition to every builder’s toolbox and every customizer working with Glyos would have a blast incorporating these parts into their designs.

After you drool on the photos take a moment or two to consider what this line could mean:

Hopefully we’ll see that backpack reappear in some future incarnation of OSM.

I find it interesting that they phrased the statement like this and did not simply say “future wave.” The implications in that one sentence are staggering and make me wonder just what the future plans are for the line.

2 thoughts on “Spotted Online – New Outer Space Men Production Pics

  1. Thanks for the Heads-up Phil.

    Helmets! Helmets for everyone! Helmets for all my Glyos figures!

    I am so excited about this wave.

    Now who can I pay to get me the Alpha set?

  2. I love the OSM, but I wish they would skip to the normal, full color release this wave, because at this rate, we’re all gonna be old men by the time all 13 get released. The mono- and clear versions could be released after words, sure, but I want my OSM!

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