Ogerosity’s Scarecrows and Robots on Etsy

Ogerosity’s Etsy shop has some attractive and fun paintings, but out of everything listed two pieces jumped out at me and insisted that they get a little time here at battlegrip.com.

Click to visit Etsy!

First we have Robot Painting, a 48-inch by 30-inch work that features robots from film. I recognize most of them, but the identity of that robot in the lower right corner is a mystery to me. A little help?

Click to visit Etsy!

Next we have Scarecrow Painting, which at $450 is far more affordable than the robot painting. Creepy and gorgeous, a great gift for the Halloween fan in your life.

And there’s more at Ogerosity’s Etsy shop, including information on custom work.

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3 thoughts on “Ogerosity’s Scarecrows and Robots on Etsy

  1. Clockwise from top left

    VINCENT from Black Hole
    GORT from Day the Earth Stood Still
    ROBBIE from Forbidden PLanet
    MARIA from Metropolis
    R2-D2 from Star Wars
    MARVIN from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (Film)

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