Fury Files Update
www.furyfiles.com, the website that was launched in association with the (still new) Marvel Universe 3.75-inch action figure series, still won’t accept my code for The Thing (reviewed here). So far I haven’t managed to unlock any characters from the third wave, so the Hasbro webteam must either be behind on updating the site or it’s just not yet time for these toys to actually be on shelves.
I’ve still got a Hand Ninja to open and review (he looks great in the package, so I have high hopes for him once he’s free to roam my shelves), and I’m still thinking about that Black Costume Spider-Man because the paint job looked so good in the store, but other than those figures the third wave didn’t excite me all that much.
Wave four, with the Hobgoblin and Moon Knight, are yet to be seen in stores, but I still look every time I’m in a Wal-Mart or Target. You know, just in case I happen to get lucky.