Saving Some of My Older Images

These are from about a decade ago, back when I was spending most of my time working on book layout and putting together the occasional cover. All of these images were created in Photoshop by piecing together bits and pieces of scanned junk and various photographs. Some of these turned out better than others, but all of them are images that I want to be sure to keep online.

Maybe one day I’ll go back and create entirely new images using this style. But not today. And when I do I hope I do a better job than I did with these older images; I can see spots in each one where the elements didn’t blend quite as well as they should have.

All of these were very much influenced by Dave McKean, especially his first two photography books, A Small Book of Black & White Lies* and Option: Click*. Both are absolutely amazing works, and seeing the prices on the books these days I’m glad that I got my copies way back in the nineties when they were first published.