Spotted Online – Godbeast’s Custom Snarlie Narlie on eBay

Take a gander at this wicked Rock Lords custom toy by The Godbeast. A weird, wacky toy from the eighties custom cast, painted, and constructed for today’s toy collector with cash, Snarlie Narlie shows everything that was right about that awful Go-Bots subline.

And, if you act fast, this beauty can be yours, since he’s up for auction at eBay. The bidding ends in about three days.

Click for the auction. If you're looking at this after the first week of May then the auction is over. Sorry.
Click for the auction. If you're looking at this after the first week of May then the auction is over. Sorry.

11 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Godbeast’s Custom Snarlie Narlie on eBay

  1. I had no clue rock lords were popular enough to warrant the price that this is already fetching. I don’t really remember watching the cartoon, but I do remember by toy of the character “nugget,” and I wish I still had him.

  2. Wow… I had no idea anyone else even remembered this stuff. I grew up pretty poor and was always saddled with GoBots as a kid, but I loved them. The Rock Lords was one of my favorite sub-lines of the day. I always had them fight Stondarr and Rokkon from the Masters of the Universe. I, like Clark, had NO idea something like this would go for anything like the price it’s going for. I guess it’s thegodbeast’s skill more than anything else that’s driving the auction. I love his little Battle Beast type figures.

  3. According to my broham over at ParryGamePreserve, a true Snarlie Narlie broke the $300 barrier a few months back.

    I’ve been collecting Rock Lords for about a year, some of them do fetch okay bucks. The weapons play a large part in the value.

  4. Thanks for postin’ this custom bro! Totally appreciated! Also, thanks to Monsterforge for the ultra kind words regarding my work.


  5. @TGB – My pleasure. He looks cool and I figured others out there would like to see this.

    The Gloops are here and posed for photos yesterday. Translucent purple is hard to snap, but they look very nice.

  6. I am glad u like them! That was the very first clear purple set! If you paint them up, please shoot me photos! My son was really stoked to see them in clear purple, but, wanted to know why I didn’t paint them up. hahaha

    Thanks again! From Kobe and I!

  7. Well the auction ended this evening. While it sold for little over $100, I had at least $200-$250 into this first piece in materials and labor. It took me 5 hours alone to build the body form, hand stitch the fur, attach the wheels to the axle and body, attach the head pieces & tail, and paint. That doesn’t include molding, casting, and clean up of the plastic parts. I think I will stick to casting the parts and selling those for collectors to construct their own. I am still glad I made him because he is such a exotic looking figure and rare to boot! Maybe I will work on making another w/ a different body style (Jewel Lord style 100% crystal clear).
    Thanks again for posting it on your site!

    Can’t wait for your review of my son’s Gloops!!!


  8. @TGB – “Well the auction ended this evening. While it sold for little over $100, I had at least $200-$250 into this first piece in materials and labor.”

    Ouch. That’s got to be frustrating. I hope that if you try any more the results turn our profitable rather than a loss.

    The Gloops should appear next week. I’m sitting in meetings — and have 14-hour work days — for the rest of this week, but playing with translucent purple toys this weekend should help me relax.

  9. I just helped my friend (last night) get his custom Snarlie started. Actually, I built it all and started him out w/ the stitching of the fur. He just needs to finish stitching, stuff a little batting inside and seal it up. His has bright blue plastic parts, cheetah print fur, and not sure what colors he is planning painting the painted parts.

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