Spotted Online – More Masters of the Universe Classics Talk at Poe’s

I doubt anyone would disagree that Poe Ghostal is a Mattel fan. Well, he’s at it again (in a good way, since his work is interesting to read), this time posting a look at eBay prices of Masters of the Universe Classics figures.

After running numbers — and you should look at the numbers — his basic conclusion comes down to:

“However, I have a hard time viewing these eBay resales as successful scalper price-gouging either.”

His numbers support that claim, but we need to wait a little while longer before we know what’s going on. If I was a scalper, I would sit on the toys until a new figure releases and sells out . . . and only add it to eBay if the figure sold out fast enough that people are bitching about Mattel and the entire line. That sort of noise online (which I’ve taken my part in in the past) has to drive up prices of the existing toys.

And then there are the patient scalpers who are waiting for December 1st. Everything on eBay sells for more around Christmas time, so the scalper with money to be patient can probably do a lot better with these in December than he can today.