Affiliate Link – Amazon Recommends . . .

It’s sometimes fun to explore the Amazon recommendations because there are, on occasion, completely new items that I never would have looked at or even noticed. Today I’d like to try something a little different and post the list of the top five items that Amazon recommends I try. And to keep it entertaining I’ll do more than just give a list of titles; yep, as I am prone to do I will ramble on about each item in the list.

I suggest that you flee now.

  • Mansions of Madness* (Recommended because you said you owned Arkham Horror: The Curse Of The Dark Pharaoh Expansion and more) – Fantasy Flight’s latest Cthulhu boardgame, this is one of those games I keep wanting to try but just not getting to. Maybe at GenCon in a few weeks I’ll at least get a chance to see the game in action, if not actually sit down and play.
  • Beneath the Surface: 13+ Shocking Tales of Terror* (Recommended because you said you owned Dead Sea and more) – A collection of short stories about scary things under the water? Okay, I may have to try this out. This is one of those “I never heard of that before” recommendations.
  • BioShock: Rapture* (Recommended because you purchased Crysis: Legion and more) – Even Amazon understands that I enjoy fiction that’s based on games. I know almost nothing about the game, but I could see myself giving this book a shot.
  • The Innswich Horror* (Recommended because you purchased New Cthulhu: The Recent Weird and more) – I’m not all that familiar with Edward Lee’s works, but this story of a 1939 Lovecraft fan visiting Massachusetts sounds like one I may enjoy. I’ll have to come back to this the next time I’m looking for a new book to read.
  • The Last Zombie: Dead New World* (Recommended because you purchased Zombie Pulp and more) – I haven’t read much of Brian Keene’s work, but this graphic novel is one that I may try out very soon.

And there they are, five items that Amazon recommends that I try. What does Amazon recommend that you try out? And an even better question: Based on what I’ve posted here at what do you suggest that I try?