Spotted Online – Amazon’s Toy Whimsy has a toy blog now, Toy Whimsy, in which they’re covering everything from chattering about old toys to new toys to touching on designer toys. It’s a large, well-financed project that’s no doubt going to capture the “parents searching for toy information for the kids” market, but there’s no way it can expand out from there. Is there?

Well, ToyCyte pointed me to an interview on Toy Whimsy where it looks like may be serious about grabbing as many toy lovers as they can.

I’ve skimmed through some of the old entries, and it looks like this could grow into something fun. At the very least, their Flashback Friday entries — like this one on Stretch Armstrong — should be enjoyable reads.

So take a peek. Just don’t forget to swing by the other toy blogs out there every now and then.