Ashley Wood’s “Process 26”
Many years ago (a decade ago) I was working on an art publishing division of Steve Jackson Games where I had the opportunity to present a number of books and cards by great artists. The Cartouche Press site is still online, and searching through the site will show you what we released before shutting it down.
But the real treat and surprise on the site is Ashley Wood’s Process 26, a book that Ashley and I were planning that would feature some new work and whatever random fun he wanted to share. Unfortunately, the book was never released so my collection has a hole in it where that book should be sitting.
The best I can hope for is that Ashley managed to get the art he had planned for that book into his later releases.
Coming off of his run on Hellspawn, the always arrogant Ashley Wood is hard at work on Process 26. Process 26, according to Wood, is “an attempt at creating something happier than my earlier works. I’m tired of scratches and Photoshop and really feel that these new crayon illustrations are my new look for the future.”
Ashley Wood is currently in therapy.