Mecha Zone Update
David White (website) has sent out an update on his Mecha Zone book and it sounds as if the project is coming very close to the finish line. I love David’s updates, because even though the creation of books is something I often forget isn’t common knowledge he takes the time to explain each step to everyone who backed the Kickstarter project to take the book from an idea to a finished release.
Great news, I submitted my book files to the printer last Monday and the interior proofs arrived today. This means that the book is almost ready to be printed. The cover proof should arrive in a day or two.
There are two types of proofs for the interior.
– color proofs: These are single page, color accurate prints. I need to review each page and check to make sure all the elements are present, check the color to make sure it is what I intended, and proof read everything one last time. I’ve already checked everything twice and didn’t find a single problem! My wife will look at them tonight just in case I missed something. I have to check off every single page and sign approval forms.
– signature proofs: This book is being printed and bound in 16 page bundles called “signatures”. The signature proofs are cut and stapled together exactly like they will be in the final book so I can review the pagination and placement. It’s hard to imagine something going wrong with this, but I guess pages sometimes get out of order or upside down 🙁
It should take about a month to print the books once I approve all of the proofs and return them to the printer. Almost there!!!