Spotted Online – New DIY Toys for $2

See this thread at the October Toys forum for a look at new toy blanks that are available at Michaels craft stores. Only $2/each? That’s a great price for such cute little toy designs. I’ll have to visit the store soon and see if I can find a couple of these.

Visit October Toys!

But hold up a moment. Now I see that oOMoSOo (blog, Flickr, Etsy) has already started customizing these toys. Nice! But now there’s no reason for me to even try, because no matter what I do my work won’t look anywhere as cool as even his WIP shot does.

Visit the October Toys forum!
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4 thoughts on “Spotted Online – New DIY Toys for $2

  1. These are cool. I’m going out today to get some of these with my girls. They each want the cat. I want the pumpkin. Hopefully supplies aren’t too limited.

  2. Thanks for post up of my wip!
    Sadly the supplies seem really low at the majority of Michaels stores, ours here had a bunch but they were gone in a few days.

  3. I’ve already traveled to 4 different
    Michaels stores and each one was out
    of the bat figure. That is one popular
    vinyl toy.

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