Glyos System Grimwave Pics

I knew that I had basically won Bozo’s Grand Prize Game (see Wikipedia) when I pulled the Grimwave in the recent Callgrim Custom Corps toy launch (Grimwave review here). Well, as a prize winner it’s my responsibility to try to help out when asked for more details on the toy, so when Vangelus (Twitter) asked about the design of Grimwave’s backpack I figured the best approach was to snap more photos.

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My hope is that these photos give everyone enough to go on to construct their own Grimwave custom. You’ll need parts from the Callgrim shop, but I suspect that there are enough fans of the Transformers Shockwave character that I can’t be the only one who would be overjoyed to have this custom design hiding in the collection.

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And you actually don’t have to limit yourself to just copying this design. Using a combination of parts from Callgrim and the Onell Design store I’m betting that you could construct your own variant on the Grimwave design. But regardless of what you do, I hope you guys find these new photos useful when sitting down to construct your own custom Glyos System action figure.

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