3A Toys and Maschinen Krieger

This morning Gimbat (Twitter) wrote on Twitter:

About 3A & Maschinen Krieger collaboration: “Krote 1/12th(14-16 )will be our first toy working with Kow Yokoyama.. we are super excited!” /G

Not being one to religiously read the 3A forums the first I’d heard of the 3A + Maschinen Kreiger venture was when this post at TheFwoosh went online where “pablolobo” wrote:

When ThreeA Toys announced they would be producing Ma.K kits I had a toygasm as I see this a perfect fit for the talents and style of ThreeA toys. Already with WWRp we can see the gritty WWI/WWII style in ThreeA’s designs and the concept and style of Ma. K is a perfect fit.

Sounds like a great fit to me. Depending on price I could see myself grabbing at least one suit. The only Maschinen Krieger I’ve got in my collection is the five-pack of suits that I picked up in Hong Kong last year (review here), and they’re too small to display so they just lay in a corner and collect dust.

I haven’t heard any word on when these will be posted for pre-orders or released, but I assume that 3AVOX (last mentioned here) will tell me everything I need to know when it’s time.

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2 thoughts on “3A Toys and Maschinen Krieger

  1. @chopa – You’ve probably got time. Reportedly these were just announced at SDCC, so I suspect we won’t see anything for another six months to a year.

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