Transformers Black Shadow Pre-Order at TFSource
Damn. The Transformers Generations Thunderwing (review here) is being retooled and released late this year as the Decepticon Black Shadow (Transformers Wiki) and now I’m stuck with that painful question: Do I wait to find this in stores or do I pre-order today at TFSource?

Months ago I pre-ordered Warpath, Wheeljack, and Thundercracker online because I didn’t want to miss them, and these days I see them in every Target and Wal-Mart in the Austin area. But do I chance spotting Black Shadow in stores or do I spend a little extra and pre-order him online? No matter which decision I make I’m sure it will be the wrong one. There are days when I really hate the way toys are packaged and sold to stores in cases.

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I think we’ll be ok on this one. Armybuilders are going to be all over the wave-mate Junkion though.
Love the new chest and head.
Who knows any more. Will he be the new Skullgrin, the new Warpath, or the new Windcharger?
@DoctorKent – I still haven’t seen a Windcharger anywhere. I suspect this guy will be tough to find because the Thunderwing mold is pretty good and this is a red and black version of that.
@Phil – same here on the Windcharger. Then again, I’m in the middle of a bloc of Transformers fans that are voracious for transforming robot crack.
Warpath was one for me like you said – I knew he was out, but it was those guys running all over the place and absorbing them all up. Now I see him, Wheeljack, etc, everywhere…
I have no clue about Black Shadow. I don’t think that it will be anything to do with his popularity if we can’t find him – it will be another Windcharger “case shipped for five minutes” situation. Because beyond the fans (and probably not even all of them), who recognizes this guy? If cool toys alone sold a figure, there would be a Skullgrin in every home this Christmas.