Spotted Online – A Callgrim Rig

Jesse Moore’s Callgrim action figure (website) got some awesome support in the form of a sketch by Jinguji, part of the Assemble Borg (website) team. See this post at the Glyos Transmission Web Log and then help me in pressuring Jesse to turn this cool design into a vinyl toy. I want at least one!

Visit the Glyos Transmission Web Log!

Post updated/corrected thanks to clarification by Matt Doughty.

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1 thought on “Spotted Online – A Callgrim Rig

  1. Holy poopy, that is an amazing-looking toy! I’ve never picked up an Armodoc or Rig just because I have to be tight with my purchases, but that seriously appeals to by BioShock nerd as well as Callgrim nerd. That’s such a beautiful design, I dig it muchly.

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