Spider-Man Toys at Wal-Mart

I’ve only reviewed a few figures in the 3.75-inch Spider-Man series that’s now in stores — Dive Attack Spider-Man review, Power Charge Rhino review — and the results were mixed, but that hasn’t stopped me from looking at the toys. And this morning while exploring a Dallas Wal-Mart I came across figures I had not yet seen in Austin.

Sewer Clash Lizard looks great and I almost grabbed him. But he’s still sitting in Wal-Mart along with Scorpion, Space Crusader Spider-Man, and the rest of the bunch. I may regret not grabbing that Lizard — through the package it looked like he had reasonably good articulation — but I made a decision and now it’s time to live with it. Besides, these have got to show up in Austin one of these days.

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2 thoughts on “Spider-Man Toys at Wal-Mart

  1. I grabbed the Scorpion the other day and whilst he’s the Ultimate version (so he’s not quite as cool) and his articulation is a little limited, he’s still excellent. I’m seriously jealous of you spotting the Lizard – he’s one of my favourite Spidey villains and is certainly on my ”to get” list.

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