Glyos Box Uncovered

While searching for something in a room that needs serious attention I uncovered a box of Glyos gold. Look at what’s sealed and waiting to be opened!

9 thoughts on “Glyos Box Uncovered

  1. @Aaron – That had arrived right when I was in the middle of a big project at the office and I was saving it for when I had more time. It’s cool to have it one year later.

  2. This happened to me as well during the Mono Wave, I’d ordered a small box of stuff (a White Exellis & some Axis joints) & my living room decided to eat it. I think a good month & a half later I was cleaning up & discovered it much to my happiness. I usually devour any Glyos in my house, so this was a case of me being REALLY busy & just not having anything in mind to build. I’m curious too to see what renegade you’ll get. The suspense is terrible… O_O

  3. @DoctorKent – I’m going with the “eBay and send the money to Matt for the kids” idea. Now I just have to decide if I eBay it sealed or opened.

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