Reprolabels for Transformers

I’ve decided that it’s time to give Reprolabels a shot. This is a small company that specializes in creating stickers for toys . . . including stickers for newer toys to make them more like their classic designs. For my test of their work I ordered stickers for the Transformers Universe Cyclonus (review here) and Transformers Generations Wheeljack. Why did I choose these two toys? Because I like both designs and because I have multiples of the two toys which will allow me to really see how the stickers affect the base designs.

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The designs look great in the photos, but the real test is going to be how they are as actual stickers. Gina usually applies the stickers to toys so she’ll likely be using these. I hope these are good and sticky and work well; I grow tired of toy stickers that don’t quite stick.

Has anyone out there tried these stickers before? Any thoughts?

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3 thoughts on “Reprolabels for Transformers

  1. Yes, I’ve bought a few sets of symbols, and they do indeed stick very well!

    Looking forward to your views on the Cyclonus set. I love that they add back the oh-so-80’s ‘technology’ look (read: pinball graphics).

  2. The Reprolabel stuff is pretty high quality. My friend bought stickers for his animated Arcee and Wreckgar, and they’re really thick high quality stickers. Definitely worth looking at.

  3. @Seth L and Dkun – Thanks, guys! Good to hear that the stickers are decent quality. That makes me even more excited to give these a shot when they arrive.

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