Review – Toygraph Space Trooper SR-1

Greetings, humans! I’m happy to report that the Space Trooper SR-1 vinyl robot toy is just as much fun as every other Toygraph (website . . . but at this moment the blog and shop are down) Space Trooper toy that I’ve reviewed before. It’s very unfortunate that these toys fell out of favor, but it’s kinda good for people like me who came late to the party because at the moment the toys are still pretty easy to collect. So collect them I will before they start to become tough to find for reasonable prices.

According to the Encyclopedia of Kaiju the SR-1 is (typos and all):
“. . . an artificial intelligence created using brain cells transplanted from the Mizaru-1. It’s actions are very aggressive, and it is an all-purpose robot able to use its own judgment in war situations.”
Almost entirely new pieces, the SR-1 fits in perfectly with the rest of the Space Troopers series with simple and smooth lines, minimal colors, and a gorgeous retro style. This entire series is incredibly fun and recommended to anyone who collects vinyl toys and has been enjoying the photos I’ve been posting in the various reviews of the toys in the series.

I need to get whatever equipment and skills are necessary to snap photos of glow-in-the-dark toys because this SR-1 Space Trooper isn’t the first toy that I’ve been unable to get a decent glowing photo of. Anyway, all you need to know is that the head glows and glows brilliantly. You should see the toy shelves in the living room after we turn off the lights a night . . .

And That Ends Words
I’m at a loss for anything else to say. Look at the photos, search for more info on the series online, and then do everything you can to resist this series. I know I failed, but maybe all of you have stronger willpower than I do and you can continue to avoid the attraction of the Space Troopers series.

Other Space Troopers Reviews
If you’re unfamiliar with Toygraph’s Space Troopers series I suggest checking out my earlier reviews. These are seriously a lot of fun and I hope to find more of them very soon. In fact, I’m about to open up my World War Robot* toys to trades and I’m hoping to get several Space Troopers toys.
- Toygraph Space Trooper AZ with Mace
- Clear Blue Ghost Trooper
- K.I. The Creature on the Flying Saucer
- Toygraph’s Clear Red Ghost Trooper
- Toygraph’s Space Trooper Flying Saucer
- Toygraph/Super7 Ghostrooper
- Toygraph’s Space Trooper VX
- Toygraph Ghost Trooper

Philip Reed is now taking off for another day at work. Maybe this weekend he’ll work up another Space Troopers review.
at Mandarake’s online store they had this guy in 3 blank colors (yellow,red & blue) and mixed and each at 2500Yen, which was super tempting but i could resist(!) Those are some great little guys.
Phil, are you buying these direct from Japan or some middle-man?
@ralph – Where is Mandrake’s store? Got a link?
@DoctorKent – All of mine have either been purchased from online stores in the US or grabbed through trades.
here you go, Phil!
clicking the “english” version will lead you the sections where you can find all the stuff. there’s like little colormarkers set on the items which means they are laying out in one of their 3 different stores, which means that when you from different stores through their webpage it makes also seperate shipping with seperate shipping costs, so keep an eye out, Mr. Fox!