Spotted Online – Transformers Botcon Exclusives Wishlist

When the Botcon (website, Twitter) exclusive Gigatron was first revealed a few days ago (last mentioned here) I mentioned to Vangelus (website, Twitter) on Twitter that I was tempted to create my own wishlist of exclusives I’d like to see created.

Well, Vangelus pointed me at this thread at TFW2005 where user WhiteMocha took it beyond a wishlist and created dozens of “digibash” photo illustrations showing how existing molds — with some new tooling at times — would look redecoed for exclusives. Absolutely amazing work!

Click to enlarge!

There are many great ideas there, but it was the reuse of the Transformers Universe Cyclonus mold that most grabbed me. I assembled the above collection to show all seven photo illustrations in a single image and I have to say that if the seven were released as a box set I would grab it. I really do love that Cyclonus mold and have already reviewed it a few times — Cyclonus review here, Strafe review here, Shattered Glass Cyclonus review here — and even took a look at the Reprolabels sticker sheet (review here) so it should come as no surprise that I’m ready for more toys using the mold.

I think I’ll still make that wishlist, but I know that no matter what I do it won’t compare to all of the work that went into WhiteMocha’s images in this thread at TFW2005.

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3 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Transformers Botcon Exclusives Wishlist

  1. Thanks now i am going to lose another day to that thread. I keep going back and looking at some of the amazing concepts that are presented there. I really should get someone to do the Swoop version for me as I am huge fan of the Dinobots.

  2. @Marv – That thread truly is amazing. I’ve lost a few hours scrolling through and looking at the images; there are several designs there I would like to see made.

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