Pink Toygraph K.I. at Rotofugi

I guess if I’m going to taunt myself with Toygraph Space Troopers today (see this post) then I may as well go ahead and remind myself of the K.I. Creature at Rotofugi. I reviewed this basic toy when I visited Matt Doughty (Onell Design) last year and despite the time I spent with the toy I still want one (K.I. review here).

Visit Rotofugi!

This pink K.I. Creature has been at Rotofugi for quite a while now and whenever I feel the need to drool I click over and look at it. But I haven’t yet brought myself to click that “buy” button and make it mine. Why? Both because it’s $130 — but really, after having held one I understand why — and because it’s so damned massive — again, having held it I know how much space it takes up.

I really should grab this before it’s gone forever . . .

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