Spotted Online – Black Rock Shooter Figma Gold Saw Review at Plastic Parfait

Yesterday I wrote about Black Rock Shooter (post here) and how I was suddenly captivated by the character design. Well, I should have been a little more clear, because it seems that all of the characters have something to them that’s attracted my attention. So I went searching for info on the various toys and statues that have been released. What did I learn? Several of them are out of stock and already starting to demand high after market prices.

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For example, the Figma Gold Saw* is already getting a little pricey. Damn, that’ll teach me to look at things after they have been released.

Anyway, take a look at this Gold Saw review because it’s probably the closest I’ll get to the toy. It’s too bad to hear about the poseability issues, but I don’t see how there couldn’t be problems with those thin limbs and that massive sword. But even with the problems the design looks great.

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3 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Black Rock Shooter Figma Gold Saw Review at Plastic Parfait

  1. The figmas all looked pretty good. Unfortunately they never made a 2nd run of most of the character IIRC.

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