Reading – Giant Robot Issue 64
Every single dollar that I spend on Black Rock Shooter ( search*) is entirely the fault of this one magazine issue. And as with a lot of things that call to me, I wasn’t immediately captured by Black Rock Shooter. No, it took seeing reviews and images online to lead me to finally order one of the toys. But I can trace it all back to this issue of Giant Robot (website, Twitter).

While flying to San Diego for SDCC in 2010 I read through the Black Rock Shooter article in this issue of Giant Robot. And while I found the article entertaining, it obviously sunk something into my mind because slowly — over several months — my brain kept returning to the article and the interview with the Black Rock Shooter creator, Huke. And now that I’ve looked at Huke’s blog (blog link) and seen more of his artwork I’m even more impressed with his work than I was when I first read the article. Fantastic style!

Nice Layout
I snapped shots of the article for anyone who wants to get an idea of what’s inside (Flickr set), but if you’re seriously interested in reading the article I recommend ordering a copy of the magazine direct from Giant Robot while supplies last. It’s an attractive design and sure to be inspirational for any artists out there who are trying to break out and get noticed.
More Than Black Rock Shooter
Of course this issue of Giant Robot has more than just the six-page article about Black Rock Shooter. There are short comics, interviews with artists, and lots of photos. Overall Giant Robot is a fun magazine and worth taking a look at.
But, for me, it will always be the place that led me to Black Rock Shooter and Huke’s incredible artwork.