Spotted Online – Toys of the Year at CollectionDX

I already posted my own awards for 2011 (awards post here), but for those of you looking for more opinions on toys in 2011 I suggest taking a look at the Toys of the Year 2011 article at CollectionDX. A great list of toys along with some discussion on most of the listed toys and why each individual reviewer made the choices that he did.

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  • Robots – There are a hell of a lot of robot toys listed in the article. Not shocking, since robot toys are cool, but one thing that stood out to me was how even though each reviewer has his own tastes they seem to all share one thing in common: Everyone robots. I can’t argue with this.
  • Perceptor – Reviewer DKun loves Reveal the Shield Perceptor*. There’s no other word to use than love, because the toy has problems (my review here) and DKun even writes:

    “He has a lot of flaws in his construction and is incredibly fiddly. Yet regardless of all of his faults, my anticipation and love for this character make me still have a large soft spot for this lovable nerdy Autobot.”

    That’s awesome, and I can totally relate to loving a flawed toy. And this just demonstrates that it’s always best to get as wide a variety of reviews as possible about a toy before making a purchasing decision. Something I hate my be something you would love.

      Nerds – In the end, it appears that we’re all nerds. Nothing drives this home more than stepping back and thinking about how much effort goes into photographing and writing reviews of toys, and I have to say thank you to everyone at CollectionDX for all of the work they put into bringing me looks at toys I otherwise would have never seen.

    What Are Your Toys of 2011

    You’ve seen my own 2011 awards and the CollectionDX Toys of 2011. Now tell all of us what your top toys are for 2011. What did you buy that blew you away? What toy line out there was so awesome in 2011 that we all need to be checking it out?

    Comment away!