Glyos System Blockodoc

After the Glyos System Block Wing (illustration here) and the Glyos System Block Trooper (illustration here) it’s now time to share the third digital illustration that I created while playing with the new Block vinyl toy when I was visiting Onell Design a few months ago.

Say hello to the Blockodoc, a Block with two of the pre-marked holes cut out so that Armodoc (first review here, second review here) arms could be plugged into the toy. As you can see, this massive contraption is all set for battle.

Click to enlarge!

The Block is scheduled for release on Friday. Keep an eye on the Glyos Transmission Web Log for details. And if you wanna chat about the new toy you can always post comments here or check out the Block thread at the October Toys forum.

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4 thoughts on “Glyos System Blockodoc

  1. I think the block is cool, but I’m too afraid I’ll screw it up trying to cut the holes out. Plus I don’t have any Onell vinyl figures. Yet, I’m gonna try really hard to grab a Rig Wing this time around…

  2. @Black Zarak – I suspect we’ll see some future vinyl releases that use the Block at their core; kinda like how anyone could have made a Big Rig, but Onell had the factory handle all of the cutting and assembly.

  3. The colorway reminds me of the Seacons, specifically Overbite & Seawing. These blocks have slot of building potential. I can’t wait to get a few to mess around with.

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