Glyos System Block Fighter

The Block Wing (illustration here) isn’t the only flying version of the Block in the Glyos System. Below we get a look at a digital illustration of the Block Fighter . . . specifically, Cane’s Block Fighter. Who is Cane? Glyan EMD Operator Cane was revealed in this post at the Glyos Transmission Web Log but we still don’t have any details on this mysterious Glyan.

Click to enlarge!

Keep watching the Glyos Transmission Web Log for more on Cane and don’t forget to check back here tomorrow for another Glyos System digital illustration. What’s next? You’ll just have to wait and see!

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8 thoughts on “Glyos System Block Fighter

  1. @Dex Antares – Thanks, but this build was created by Matt. All I did was translate it into the illustration. I’m really looking forward to getting a chance to try and build some designs of my own once the Block and parts arrive.

  2. I am wanting this rig color scheme more than any other one! If i miss this one, I hope the next one is gray with the black details plus a new brighr color like green or blue.

  3. Yeah, I really dig the color schemes on this wave too. I misread the listing at first and saw Cane as “Crane” so I was thinking these guys were all part of a heavy machinery crew and the orange and black worked well as warning markings. But that’s just my take on it…

  4. Ooooooo that’s one nice looking vehicle. Matt made one awesome fighter & that colorway really pops. I totally want a squadron of these so I can have them in space battles VS some Gendrone Revolutionaries who are reconfigured as space fighter ships. You do excellent digital coloring too Phil, top notch quality work my friend.

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