Star Wars Display and Clearance at Target
If you visit your local Target you’re likely to encounter a massive — and impressive (“most impressive”) — Star Wars action figure display. Wow. Seriously, wow. The amount of money this required shows either how popular the line is or how desperate Hasbro is to draw attention to the line. Regardless of the reasons, this is amazing.
Also at Target you’ll find their Star Wars Vintage Collection* exclusive toys (last mentioned here) now on clearance. This is your chance to grab the exclusives at more reasonable prices.

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All the stores near me are just waiting for the reset, empty shelves and months old product as far as the eye can see!
I’ve been tempted a few times to grab the Tauntaun and Land Speeder simply as a way to get a bit of nostalgia but then I’d have to buy all the other Star Wars toys (I’m an obsessive like that) and the thought of six different Jar-Jar Binks figures doesn’t appeal.
Wow, the 3 Targets near me all have the SW displays up, but the pegs are half empty with Clone wars & Vintages waves that came out last spring.
@Black Zarak – I guess this is one of the few times that Austin is a little ahead of everyone. I just wish I was more interested in Hasbro’s Star Wars line these days; I love the look of the vintage line but not so much that I’m collecting it.
@Iok – I know exactly what you mean. The Tauntaun and Landspeeder were both very tempting.