Spotted Online – Transformers Junkion “Gearhead”

Take a look at this pic on Facebook of a Transformers Generations Junkheap* that has been upgraded with a sticker set from Reprolabels. Nice! All this needs is a custom head and it’s an entirely new Junkion design.

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Both the Transformers Generations Junkheap* and the Reveal the Shield Wreckgar* are excellent toys and I really should post reviews of them. Sigh. Too many toys and not enough hours.

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3 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Transformers Junkion “Gearhead”

  1. It would br sweet if TFC or some other third padty to do a swap kit for.this sculpt. Say 5 diff heads and some swap parts, could easily recreate the planet of Junk.

  2. @Court – I’ve got an idea for a Junkion upgrade kit that I should just finishing roughing out and post online. Hell, maybe it would make an awesome Kickstarter project; I estimate it would cost about $15,000 to make the kit a reality.

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