Update on the 3A Broken Cowboy

I mentioned last week how my 3A Toys Blind Cowboy set arrived broken (pics and post here). Well, 3A has gotten back to me with instructions to mail the saddle back to them for repair. What? That’s just unbelievable. They send me a broken toy and then expect me to pay shipping — and spend my time with customs paperwork and the post office — to ship the entire saddle back to them.

I’m pretty jealous of everyone who has ever been sent replacement parts by 3A without the need to send the broken part all of the way to Hong Kong.

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5 thoughts on “Update on the 3A Broken Cowboy

  1. Stuff like this is the reason I won’t buy anything directly form 3A. I understand that for the rare or limited stuff it’s the only option, but the number of complaints that I’ve read about shoddy manufacturing, unacceptably slow turnaround after taking orders, and ridiculous customer service is enough to demonstrate that something is very wrong with their process and they don’t care enough about the recipients of their pieces to fix it.

  2. I bought one of the Action Portable Popbots today. I can’t resist Kitties.

    So I should expect it a year from now?

  3. This is why I just don’t support them anymore. I haven’t had an item from them over $100 without some major issue, and the attitude is always “so what” – 2-3weeks later! the last straw was “what blog do you write for?” when I asked. Really? I have to write for a blog to get you to fix the $200+ toy that showed up broken? Success and no one willing to criticize them publicly went totally to their heads.

  4. @Big – Wow! That’s really over the line. I wish 3A would get their customer service straightened out and fix their quality control; I wanna support them, but their business practices have gone too far for me.

    And I agree, it was really frustrating for me the first time I ever criticized their work online. You would have thought I had stabbed a kitten.

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