Unofficial Transformers Devastator Assembled

And here it is, TFC Toys’ not-Devastator, Hercules, assembled into his giant form. I took about an hour to transform each of the not-Constructicon toys into their individual giant robot parts and then put Hercules together. The final robot is incredible, but I think that I’m going to display the robots as their six individual bots instead of their combined form.

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Tight Assembly

Hercules looks great once he’s assembled, but a few of the connections are a little tighter than others and it takes a bit of effort to get everything together. It’s not difficult, it’s just that snapping the pieces together sometimes takes a little more force than I like to use on a (total cost) $600 robot toy. But the robots seem to withstand the pressure without any problems — these are pretty durable toys — and as I worked at it I found myself using just a bit more muscle here and there to get everything together.

Click to enlarge!

Above you can see Hercules starting to separate where the two torso pieces snap together. This seems to happen when playing with the toy — I was posing him quite a bit after he was assembled and noticed that this spot kept popping apart — but as long as you take a moment to snap the two parts together it’s not an issue. I’m gonna have to take a closer look at the points where the two pieces combine because it’s possible that I’m missing something when I assemble Hercules.

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Seriously, I’m not at all regretting the robots now that I’ve got all six of them. $600 is admittedly a lot to pay for a toy, but now that I’ve assembled Hercules I can say that TFC Toys did a great job of bringing us a Generation One-style Devastator that outdoes the original toy. I’ve no idea how long these will be available at the original prices — I see that site sponsor TFSource already has some for pre-order again — but if you haven’t started collecting this line then you need to. Unless TFC Toys has some magic way to keep these in stock forever they are going to vanish and find their way onto eBay. I can’t see these not being in demand in the future.

Click to enlarge!

I Owe You Guys Reviews

I hope you enjoy the pics and my quick thoughts on Hercules. I’m way behind on reviews (it has been busy at work), but at this point I’m not sure when I’ll manage to get reviews of all of the individual pieces online. After all, what free time I get over the next week or so will be spent preparing for the New York Toy Fair . . . and playing with these not-Constructicon toys.

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5 thoughts on “Unofficial Transformers Devastator Assembled

  1. He’s so awesome looking. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to convince myself to spend the money on him, given I have the CD upgrades for G1 Devs, but still, I love seeing him all assembled. Just amazing.

  2. Do they have plans for a full release box set in mind?

    That would deffinatly get me real interested.

  3. @ViperEyes82 – It took me a lot of thinking before jumping on the series, but now that I have all six I’m happy I made the leap. It’s an incredible set.

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